I"m at an interesting time at the moment. It's a time of searching - searching for many things.
On a work level it's a search to make time for my art. And with limited time what is the priority in my art?
I have commissions that I'm working on and love - and they are definitely most welcom! - but then they take time away from working on my own work.
And even then there's so many choices.
I want to explore the sculpture that I've started.
I want to work more in wax.
Also, to continue the surrealism that I've started.
Put this all with also wanting to spend time with family and friends that often seem to come after everything.
What a wonderful dilemma to have though!!
So I've decided that rather than be frustrated by it I will just embrace it and enjoy that ahead of me there is a multitude of fascinating projects waiting to be created.
For today at least that will be my attitude. Hopefully tomorrow too.